
3D Finished Pieces (7 categories) 

Entries will be primarily judged on creative ideas and design merit, with due consideration given to the standard of craftsmanship. 

  • Pieces entered in the Design categories below can only be submitted in one design category.

  • Entries in these sections must be finished 3D pieces. Digital renders and CAD files will not be considered finished work for the purposes of these sections. Please see 2D design sections. 

  • Work entered in these sections can also be entered in any of the relevant Craft sections & we strongly encourage entrants to do so. 

  • Entrants are encouraged to provide an explanation of the concept behind their entry, including information that illustrates any significant features of the entry. There will be a placeholder on the entry form for this (Max 150 words).

See below for the full details on each brief. 

Silversmiths (Design)

Sponsored by Lindström 

This section welcomes entries of larger-scale work, functional and/or decorative objects, with a focus and priority on creative and original design.  

We are delighted to be partnering again with Lindström as a Special Patron to this section.

Examples of entries to this section can include, but are not limited to: tableware, vessels, bowls, and centrepieces. 

Image: Alewijn Slingerland - Obelisk of Chaos, Gold & The Lindström Award


Judges will be looking for:

  • Exciting, different and creative ideas

  • Design originality 

  • A competent understanding of materials, form and functionality

  • Quality of making and standard achieved 


Smallwork covers the production and manufacture of small-scale items made in precious or non-precious metals, such as boxes, scent bottles, accessories, objet d’art, products, timepieces.

They are often pieces that have a function and composed of several parts that make up the final article. However, they can have no functionality at all and be purely decorative for aesthetic qualities. 

In addition to this section, please consider the Craft sections that you can also enter the same piece into if suitable/relevant.

Image: Dong Ding - Boundary of Balance Rings, Gold Award


Judges will be looking for:

  • Design impact and creativity/originality

  • Articles that incorporate one or a combination of decorative processes such as engraving, enamelling, stone setting, chasing

  • Use of complimentary materials and surface treatments.

  • A piece that often incorporates intricate detail and precise fitting parts.

  • Hidden features, hinges, or moving mechanisms that may be only obvious when a door or lid is opened.

Ready-to-Wear Jewellery

The National Association of Jewellers (NAJ) and the British Allied Trades Federation (BATF) return for the 2025 Craftsmanship and Design Awards. 

This Ready-to-Wear section invites jewellery that is demi-fine, contemporary, easily reproduced and commercial. Entries can be made using precious and non-precious materials, and will be judged on their design merit, commercial viability and market suitability.  

This award seeks to encourage, identify and reward good, commercial design that can be successfully reproduced. The quality of craftsmanship and finish will be taken into consideration and a high standard of finishing is encouraged and expected.

Image: Jo Boateng - Fiat (White), Silver Award & The NAJ & BATF Award  (Photo credit - Iringo Demeter)

Judges requirements 

Judges will be looking for: 

  • Design merit – considered and unique design that shows an understanding of market suitability. 

  • Commercially viable & easily reproducible – designed with the objective or intention of being reproduced. 

An unmissable opportunity

The winner of this special award will be announced to industry press, across the NAJ’s online platforms, including an editorial feature in The Jeweller magazine. 

In addition, the Association will offer entry onto its foundation programme which features four one-to-one business mentor sessions, as well as help with design protection and access to online resources.

Conceptual Jewellery

The conceptual jewellery section is dedicated to designs of conceptual, artistic, or one-off items of jewellery or body adornment that have an engaging story or concept behind them.

Entries can include any combination of materials — non-precious and precious — and will be judged on the creative concept, design innovation, and originality. 

All entries must be supported with up to 200 word explanation of the concept or story that has inspired the design, and how this is translated or depicted in the final outcome.

Image: Sahara Aburaneh - Aurora ~ Northern Lights, Gold Award


Judges will be looking for:

  • Originality of design and overall impact created

  • Clarity of concept and how well this is shown within the finished item/s.

  • Quality and standard of construction and finish

Fine Commercial Jewellery

Sponsored by Beaverbrooks 

This Fine Commercial Jewellery section looks for contemporary and commercially viable items of fine jewellery made with precious metals and gemstones.

We are delighted to be partnering with Beaverbrooks once again, as Special Patrons. Beaverbrooks are an award-winning diamond, jewellery and watch retailer with 89 group stores nationwide. As a commercial jewellery retailer, Beaverbrooks is proud of their reputation for quality products, exceptional customer service, as well as their dedication to numerous charitable organisations.

Entrants are invited to submit creative jewellery and/or accessories suitable as a gift for any occasion, be it Christmas, wedding, birthday, anniversary, special occasion etc. Pieces are to be made in precious metals in any combination and incorporating gemstones where appropriate. However, electro-plated designs are also acceptable for promoting potential ideas. Hand and CAD made pieces are all eligible. 

Please remember that Beaverbrooks are seeking commercially viable propositions for consideration. 

Image: Yuqing Wu - Crack modelling White Crystal Necklace with Diamonds, Gold & The Beaverbrooks Award


Entries must have an accompanying statement between 100 - 200 words that explains the inspiration behind your design, and its suitability for the commercial market. 

Judges will be looking for: 

  • Design merit 

  • Commercial potential 

  • Craftsmanship

  • Suitability and market awareness

The Beaverbrooks Award...

Following the Awards ceremony and exhibition at Goldsmiths’ Hall, and subject to their consideration and discussions with the winner, Beaverbrooks could offer the winner of their award, the opportunity to undertake some work experience to have an insight into their retail operation, this could include one of the following: 

  • Guidance on how to create a marketing campaign

  • Attending a shoot to see the creative side of bringing a product to life

  • Shadowing a Beaverbrooks team

  • An insight into the Buying decision making

Alternatively, and again subject to Beaverbrooks consideration, in liaison with the winning designer, Beaverbrooks will explore the possibility of taking their design into manufacture for either potential sales and/or dedicating/donating this to a charity supported by Beaverbrooks.

Precious Jewellery

Sponsored by Thomas Lyte

We are excited to be partnering again with Thomas Lyte for the GC&DC 2024/25 Competition as Named Award Patrons. 

Precious jewellery is made from metals such as gold, platinum, palladium and silver, and typically incorporates gemstones, enamel or  other decorative features.

Hand and CAD made pieces are all eligible. 

In addition to this section, please consider the Craft sections that you can also enter the same piece into if suitable/relevant.

Image: Martina Grumitt- Firework Sautoir, Gold & The Thomas Lyte Award


Judges will be looking for:

  • Design merit and originality 

  • Quality of construction  

  • Functionality of the piece

  • Attention to detail and finishing 

Enamellers (Design)

This design led section encourages enamellers to explore and experiment with glass enamel to achieve visual effects of a decorative and contemporary nature. 

It is open to any design-led enamelled jewellery, smallwork, objects, and silversmithing using traditional/or non-traditional enamelling techniques.

Where applicable, if entries contain elements of engraved work, they are also encouraged also enter their work in the craft section Engravers

Entrants to the enamelling sections — both craft and design — are also encouraged to consider applying for the Phil Barnes Enamelling Bursary as a part of their entry. This offers a marvellous opportunity learn alongside a master enameller. Please see below for further details. 

Image - Zhan Zhan - Silver Enameled Egg Brooch, Silver Award


Judges will be looking for: 

  • Creative use and deployment of enamel/s

  • Design originality and aesthetics 

  • Work that demonstrates exploration and experimentation

  • Quality and effectiveness of finishing

  • Degree of difficulty & technical achievement

Nov 2024

Entry form opens

14 - 16 Jan 2025

Entry submission @ The Goldsmiths’ Centre, EC1M 5AD

3rd Mar 2025

Awards Ceremony @ The Goldsmiths' Hall, EC2V 6BN

4 - 7 Mar 2025

Awards Exhibition @ The Goldsmiths' Hall, EC2V 6BN

13 - 14 Mar 2025

Entry collection days @ The Goldsmiths’ Centre, EC1M 5AD


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